When we moved into our home, I thought a "cafe feel" was just what our small dining space needed. We picked a color that made the room feel too tiny. In certain lights, this color also resembled doggy kibble (see photo).

After painting the dining space, and itching to get done with a bunch of new home owner projects, we settled and told ourselves the walls looked fine. We knew deep down that someday this room would need a revamp. Fast forward to 5 years later... The amazing RomaBio Paints company, the one we used to completely transform our fireplace (you can read more about that makeover here), now makes mineral wall paint! I was so excited to work with them again... And finally change this sad, gloomy looking space.

We used a simple, white paint: Avorio White from their interior paint line. This is a room we spend a lot of time in together as a family, so I wanted it to feel bright and more open. When we painted these walls, I was 6 months pregnant. Just like with their lime wash, RomaBio makes products that are environmentally friendly and safe to work with. Their products are made from natural ingredients, mold resistant, and they're perfect for high traffic areas (like this dining room our toddler and dogs run in and out of all the time). Knowing there are no chemicals or contaminants in this paint, my preggo-self was able to help!
My husband and I tackled this room together in one afternoon. It was technically only 2 1/2 walls to paint, because of the layout of our kitchen space, but it still took us longer than we expected it to. That being said, if you're taking this on with a little one, I highly recommend having a sitter or grandparent help with watching them. Painting carefully means working slowly and you'll need more than just a nap time to get a room done. There are easy to follow directions right on the paint bucket. You'll first need to dilute the paint with water. We used paint rollers on the more open walls and smaller brushes to get the nooks and crannies. My husband is a perfectionist when it comes to doing the edge work so we did not need to use painter's tape on the wood trim.

After one coat, we realized we would need to wait for it to completely dry and then do another coat (thank you, dog kibble-color paint). The paint underneath was just too dark. If you're painting over a lighter color, you may be able to get away with just one coat.

Wait for it...

Ta da!

You'll need to wait for the paint to dry completely before continuing. Otherwise, it causes the drying paint to flake off. We took a break and then got back to painting. After two coats, we fell in love. The kitchen was a mess with all the furniture out of place, but we could already tell how much brighter and more inviting this space felt.

Once we got around to putting everything back in place... Wow! What a difference. We are so happy with this transformation. Having this clean, fresh change made for a much needed refresh. The dining area is now a spot we're ecstatic to spend a lot more time in.

RomaBio just launched the Kindred Vintage Color Collection for Interior Paint, which is made up of 14 beautiful and luminous colors. Why not give that room you've been wanting to paint a refresh in the upcoming New Year? RomaBio is sold at select Home Depot stores and on Amazon. Make sure to follow them on Instagram, @romabiopaints, for even more before and after inspiration!
