The start of a new year was just the kick I needed to get going on a bunch of new projects. #1 on my list was this fireplace. Since we moved into our house, I've gone back and forth about what to do with it. Keep the red brick as is? Or update/modernize it with a new paint job?

For years, worries about losing a timeless look was what held me back... Until a few weeks ago when I stumbled across Romabio Classico Limewash on Instagram. Game changer! I realized right away that this perfect combination (limewash + a little bit of exposed brick) was exactly what our fireplace was missing.This month we were able to take on our floor to ceiling project. First off, I want to let you know that we managed to complete this project in ONE naptime. Our toddler napped for 2 1/2 hours and just as he awoke we were cleaning up brushes. How amazing is that? That's how easy it is to use this product. It took us less than 3 hours to get this done.

So, ready to give your outdated brick a new look? Here's a list of everything you'll need to get started:

-Spray bottle
-Mixing bucket
-Rag/wash cloth
-Romabio Masonry Brush
-Smaller brush
-Classico Limewash (we used the color called "Riposo Beige")
-Optional: We also used painter's tape to tape around where the wall touches the brick as well as the fireplace cover.

First you will need to dilute the paint with water. We mixed the two together right in that bucket. We then used the spray bottle to dampen the fireplace. We sprayed top to bottom.

Next was the fun part...painting! We used the Romabio Masonry brush. It is so easy to use and helps prevent drips. I think we were able to get this project done so quickly because of this brush!

The smaller brush we then used to paint tiny nooks and crannies. We let the paint get to a point where it was somewhat dry but also still a little damp. Using the spray bottle, we sprayed the brick for a wash off look. With the rags, we then wiped some of the bricks to give them a distressed look.

We decided that we wanted a few random bricks to look a smidge more distressed than the others. What's so nice about this part is that you can customize the final look any way you want! You can make it very rustic looking or keep it more whitewashed, depending on how much paint you decide to wipe off.
Here's the final result... Ta da!:

And here it is after getting "Spring-ified."

The final look surpassed my expectations. I can't believe how incredibly easy Romabio paint was to use and how beautiful our fireplace turned out. Before this project, we had zero experience using this product. It looks like an expert completed this and, trust me, we are far from professional status! The cherry on top is that Romabio paint products are environmentally friendly and ideal for pregnant women or people with asthma! There are no toxic materials and the paint is naturally mold resistant.
The Classico Limewash comes in 7 different shades:

To watch more tutorials, see more products, or to place an order, you can visit Romabio Paint's website by clicking here. They are also available at Home Depot stores across the country!
