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Counting sheep with help from Geppetto

Writer's picture: NiniNini

Our bedtime routine seemed to finally be making some progress... And then this quarantine hit. The transition to having our boys share a room (at 3 and 1 years old) turned from breezy to all sorts of interesting. The funny change in our schedule was affecting everyone's sleep. On top of everything else, we've been dealing with our baby's teething and toddler's potty training. My husband and I were feeling fed up and exhausted. 2 am and 4 am wake up calls from BOTH boys were becoming a nightly thing. As we reached our breaking point, we thought of giving something new a try... music. We hadn't incorporated music into bedtime before and at this point there was nothing to lose. With help from Geppetto, an easy to use, music streaming service, we're already seeing a change in how sleep is going.

Geppetto creates beautiful, original creations that can be added to your bedtime play list. You can find them on Instagram here and Facebook here. And find ways to stream their playlists here. Geppetto's calming music originates in Austria. Their compositions feature the piano, harp, and glockenspiel. Each unique piece is lovely and soothing. After reading up on some research, we were over the moon about giving music at bedtime a try. Did you know that relaxing music has a direct effect on the nervous system? It helps your body relax and prepare for sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, "Adults who listen to 45 minutes of relaxing music before bed fall asleep faster, sleep longer, wake up less during the night, and rate their nights as more restful than when they don't listen to music." You can read more about this research here. We figured if these were the sleep results adults were having then why not try it with our little guys?! At bedtime, we set up our blue tooth speaker and turned on Geppetto through our YouTube app. There are a variety of ways to stream!

It's been less than a week and we're already noticing improvements in our kids' sleep routine. Falling asleep faster has been the most noticeable change of all. The Sleep Foundation also recommends that "once you integrate music into your bedtime routine, stick with it. The positive sleep effects can build over time, as listening to your relaxing sleep soundtrack becomes a habit that cues your body to prepare for shuteye." We will be doing just that with Geppetto...sticking to our new and improved music routine. Here's to better nights of sleep ahead!

Follow the link here for more information from our sleep source, the Sleep Foundation.


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