Part 2 of the old, sad shelf face lift.

A little while back, I shared a post about using Mod Podge and book pages to give an old shelf new life. You can find that tutorial here.
Today I'm sharing with you the transformation of that shelf's "twin." My husband and I picked up these two shelves at a yard sale a while back and I've finally found the time to fix this one up, too!
With the first shelf, I decided to remove that wooden part on the bottom. With this one, I decided to keep it on. It gives the shelf an older, antiqued look and this was what I was going for.

Sticking with this shabby chic theme, I figured chalk paint was the way to go. I used Rustoleum's Linen White chalk paint since I wanted it to match some of the other chalk painted pieces in our bedroom.
I started off by cleaning up the shelf. This just took a little bit of water and dish soap.
Next I painted the shelf. On the can it says only one coat is needed but I did two coats. The paint seemed to have a more even look this way.

After a few hours, the shelf was dry and read to be sanded. I sanded random spots using a P80 grit paper. The more you sand, the "older" and more worn the piece will look. This
is totally up to you on just how chippy you want the wood to appear.

Here is the shelf after I was finished sanding:

I love the transformation and how perfectly it works in our bedroom!

Any chalk painted projects happening in your life? If yes, tag me in them on Instagram so I can check out your hard work! I'm a big fan of before and after photos :)
